.bd Domain Registration

.bd is the country level Domain for Bangladesh. A .bd domain name is registered through “Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL)”. Registration is available to anyone under the .com.bd, .net.bd, .org.bd, .ac.bd and .edu.bd for Educational Institute. gov.bd is available to Government Entities only.

.bd Domain checker


.bd domain must be registered for minimum of 2 years.

TLDNew Registration (2 years)Renew (1 Year)
.com.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.net.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.org.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.info.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.edu.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.mil.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.gov.bdTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00
.বাংলাTk. 2500.00Tk. 1500.00

Required Documents:

  1. If the registrant is an individual then the National ID is required.
  2. If the registrant is a company Trade License is required.
  3. For .gov, .mil need to upload the forwarding letter from concern authority along with other documents where necessary.
  4. For .edu/ .ac need approval letter/document from concern authority (i.e.: UGC/Education board/Technical board/Madrasha board/ Ministry of Education etc).
  5. For .org need approval letter/document from the NGO bureau/ Ministry of Social welfare etc.

If any anomalies found in the information, BTCL deserves the right to Cancel/Change/delete the domain.